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Looking for an EMP Protection Gear

Protecting your electrical devices from an EMP attack means you will have to take precaution from the effects of electromagnetic pulse. Being a victim of a nuclear or nun-nuclear EMP attack form an unfriendly country would give a great real threat. Following the detonation of a nuclear bomb from 25 to 250 miles above the horizon line, the magnetic field lines of the earth would be interrupted by a massive pulse of x-rays and gamma radiation-containing photons. The electrons being trapped in the field lines of the earth would cause a threatening fluctuating electric current which disables the electronic equipment.

The real threat of an EMP attack is so high that the House Military Research and Development Subcommittee and the House National Security Committee have created the Graham Commission.. This committee had studied weaknesses in the military as well as the civilian sector and made recommendations of methods to protect the United States from the EMP threat. The Graham Commission is recommending to store any electrical grid component and nay hard to make devices that are necessary to keep it working.

Without proper EMP protection, the United States would experience disruption. Disruptions can be seen in vehicle engines, all communication systems, industrial equipment, water pumping systems and electrical appliances and grid. Airplane ignition systems causing in-flight planes to fall out of the sky can also be affected by the disruption. Following an EMP attack, a rapid and complete collapse of our infrastructure would happen. Like a house built of cards when one supporting card is pulled out, our electronic systems would come crashing down in seconds.

You can possibly protect you own devices from any disruption by storing them in containers which is made from aluminum and copper. Your protected devices will be able to resist the effect of electromagnetic pulse. A galvanized metal trash can lined with insulation like thick cardboard which make it a great EMP shelter. Also, metal filing cabinets can be a good storage to your devices that you are protecting as long as the devices do not get in contact with the metal cabinets. You can use aluminum foil in protecting your own devices by wrapping it around the smaller electronic devices but first it must be wrapped by a plastic first then you can wrap the aluminum foil having a two or three more layers. This MEP Protection only means that you must have enough supply like food, water, and medical supplies for your family to survive from the aftereffect of disruption. This will disable communication thus putting everyone in a hard situation.

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