There is a need to make use of the best education policy. One of the features is to assure that you have effective measures. You will review the information on the type of curriculum that has been working in the past times. There is a need to check the data in line with past encounters. You will have to make use of the best procedure and protection of any issues that would be encountered. The system should have the policy analyzed and any issues detected. You will make sure that the system that has any issues get analyzed. There are a number of steps that should get effected when changing education policies. You will have to review the past encounter and assure you have the correct measures.
There is a need to set the pilot testing and review of the set policy. In case the present system is causing any type of issue to the system, you will make sure that you affect the correct procedure that will correct all the issues. You will have to set the reviews on the pas encounters. You will make use of the materials that would have been set when the policy is taking effect. The educationists should set the information in line with the type of schools to be used. The schools implied in the review process will get reviewed and the number of the students selected to have the test done. The new policy will be run I the school; n system and assure that all the features are set in place.
The next plan is to have the problems set in place. You will consider there is a need to make sure that you have the correct procedure and hake the issues indicated. The step will involve the correct correction of any issues. You will have the best measures set in place and assure that you make use of the best plan on how to overcome the challenges encountered. In case the type of issues are easily rectified, you will assure you set the correct correction procedure. You will have to make sure the policy is working correctly before it gets introduced in the system officially. There is a need to make use of the best policy and procedure that will have the correction, not the issues,
It is important to consider the importance of funding. There is a need to remember that as the pilot in the schools is changing there is a need to have the correct amount of money. There I need to be in the mind that there are many issues that would come up. There are many stakeholders who are used in the change of the policy. There is a demand to have all the parties involved in the procedure. You will avoid the case whereby the issues would come up and prevent the process from going on due to a lack of enough funding. There are effective states that should c consider the correct educational process before they have any policy changed.